Future Tense

Future Tense

TenseS yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan / peristiwa yang akan dimulai pada waktu akan datang


S + Shall, will + be + . . . .
S + Shall, will + V I


[+] She will be there.
[-] She will not be there.
[?] Will She be there ?
[-?] Will not she be there ?

[+] I shall go to school tomorrow.
[-] I shall not go to school tomorrow.
[?] Shall I go to school tomorrow ?
[-?] Shall not I go to school tomorrow ?


  • Shall : I, we
    Will : I, we, you, they, he, she, it

  • To be + going to + V I
    I am going to school tomorrow = I will go to school tomorrow.
